Monday, March 29, 2010

Statement of opinions and beliefs

1. I believe that God is the one true God, and the Jesus is His son and the Holy Spirit our intercessor to God. I believe that the Bible is God’s true Word, even if I don’t understand every word in it. I believe that the Word of God is inerrant and infallible.  All will be revealed in time and the believers will be in eternal glory.  I am sorry for those of you that heard the Word and did not heed.

2. I am more than happy to learn about your spiritual beliefs if you are willing to listen to mine. I don’t believe you should be able to tell me to take down my Christmas tree or manger scene because it offends you. 

3. I believe that expressing your opinion does not make you a racist. Judging someone because of their skin color does. I also believe it is impossible to identify the one man standing in a group of men wearing red shirts that is black as anything other than the black man in the red shirt.

4. I don’t believe in ethnic-American classifications. If you were born in America or have your legal citizenship in this country you are now an American! If you want to adequately document your historical, ethnic nationality, you may do so via geneaology.  If I must call you 'African-American' or 'Asian-American', then you must call me 'Irish-Italian-American'. 

5. I don’t believe in banning books. ANY book. I don’t have to read them and neither do you. I also don’t believe that anyone should be allowed to make my child read a book I (as an adult) find offensive in school under the guise of education or opening their minds. I feel the same way about religion, sex-education, art, music and games.

6. I don’t think the government should decide if I can own a gun, a can of mace or a sharpie. I do think I am responsible for the use of anything I own and must accept the consequences of decisions I make.  If you're not smart enough to own a gun, you probably shouldn't have a child either, but we have stronger gun-control laws than we do birth-control laws.

7. I don’t believe I should be required to pay for your birth control, abortion, sex-change operation or drug habit. If you want it, you pay for it. You will also be responsible to ‘pay’ for the emotional consequences (good or bad) of your decisions.

8. I believe we spend so much time worrying about people’s feelings that we don’t take a stand for what is right and wrong. Don’t go out of your way to hurt others, but draw your line and stand your ground.

9. I believe we are responsible for our own actions. Stop blaming your parents, teachers, priest, or culture/ethnicity for your problems. Deal with it and move on.

10. I believe there is a difference between abuse and discipline. Spanking a child is NOT abuse, but NOT disciplining a child is.  There would be a lot less abuse in this world if there were more discipline.

1 comment:

Into The Fire said...

I find it hilarious that you put a statement of beliefs on your personal blog. I love it!

I'm pretty sure I share every one of these, by the way.