Thursday, October 27, 2011

Building things

I like to build things.  Well, actually, I like to think about building things because the actual building is too overwhelming for me.  I can read a map and follow a recipe and sew from a pattern, but the ability to construct items out of wood and metal confounds me.  I mark it down to my low self esteem and fear of math.  Angles, squares, computing measurements and degrees are beyond my ability and skill level.  I’m really great at starting the project, getting frustrated and then leaving it in pieces.

Yes, I could ask my husband (love you honey!); but he is a procrastinator and also likes to make project bigger (and harder) than they need to be.  And then we’re BOTH frustrated and the project is still in pieces.  For examples, see our kitchen, bedroom, and garage and ask about my worm bin.

Sure, I can buy kits or hire someone to build them for me, but that’s expensive.  I have the greatest intentions of building it “from scratch” and saving money while taking some pride in what I’ve created.

So, here I sit, wanting a greenhouse and putting it off because buying a kit is too expensive (for what I want).  And, building one has so many questions and what if’s attached that I have raised it to anxiety status and not getting past the “we’re going to put it there” position.

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