Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A "Typical" Wednesday

I'm not bragging; I just wanted to sit down at some point and write down what a typical "Wednesday" is for me now.

This has been my day today:
6:05       A arrives
              Use the bathroom

6:35       alarm goes off
              Make sure B is out of bed

7:00       Make sure B is dressed and has fed dog
7:15       Shower, cup of coffee
7:25       J & H arrive
              B leaves for school
              Put dinner in crock pot
              J & H breakfast
              2nd cup of coffee

8:00       Dress H
8:15       K arrives

8:30       load all kids in car
8:50       J at school
9:00       A at school

9:05       Bank, then home
              K sleeping

9:30       H breakfast (2nd breakfast)

10:55    pick E up at school

12:20    pick Be up at school
1:00       E & H nap time
              Prep vegetables for dinner        
              B home from school, homework

2:00       pick J up at school
              J homework
2:15       lunch (mine)

3:15       pick A up at school
              Homework (all)
              Finish dinner

4:00       serve B dinner

4:45       B to practice

5:00       serve dinner (rest of kids)

4-5:00   kids picked up (various times)

6:30       AWANA

8:45       Dinner (mine)

11:00     Collapse

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