Tuesday, November 15, 2011

David vs. Goliath

Just a few notes on David vs. Goliath… (A/k/a citizenry vs. City Hall)

Be THAT PERSON that reports everything to the authorities.  This is not ‘tattling’ or being nosey.  The vandalized mailbox or garbage cans, the noisy neighbors, the drunken brawls, the cars up and down your street at all hours, the suspicious people or vehicles in your neighborhood.  If you don’t report it, the police don’t know and there is no documentation of crime in your area.

Goliath doesn’t have the same burden of proof as David does.  Goliath can follow the letter of the law by shading just inside the lines and meeting the minimum requirements.  David however, has to comply to the maximum of the spirit of the law and is responsible for all miscommunications and misinterpretations of said law.

Perception is EVERYTHING and details are tedious. 

Doing something the wrong way in the wrong place for the wrong reasons for long enough will eventually lead someone to believe you are in the right and support or endorse your actions in an attempt to make them legal.  

“A Rose by any other name” may still smell as sweet, but a tree is not a tree unless its trunk exceeds 6 inches in diameter at chest height.  

There’s quite a bit of drama and entertainment to be had between opening and closing arguments in any court proceedings.

Being David is expensive, both figuratively and monetarily.

It’s interesting to me that we still have words like “failed” and “denied” in the language of the courts, when we spend so much time teaching our children that there is no failure.

“No significant change” will likely mean you won’t recognize the original project in the end result.

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