Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So many of my posts have been filled with rants and peeves and just general dis-gruntledness; I’m sure many of you (at least those that read the blog) might wonder if ANYTHING makes me happy? My husband will unequivocally swear that absolutely nothing he ever does seems to make me happy; but I’m sure there are a few things, in general, that do (in no particular order)…

Puppies – Notice I did not say baby animals. Although baby animals have a cuteness factor that is hard to ignore, they do not, per se, make me “happy”. Puppies frolic and play and bark and lick and chew. These can be very annoying things, I will admit, but in puppies it tends to be cute. Unless it’s your shoes they’re chewing on or the flower bed you just planted that they’re digging up. However, the act of a puppy playing and running in a backyard of children is just too much to not laugh about. And there is just something about puppy ‘kisses’ – actually pretty much dog kisses from any age of dog – that makes me smile.

Music – pretty much any kind of music, although it depends on the mood and the day. Usually anything summery or with a drum beat can get me to bob my head and feel better. And, I’ve discovered that gardening is pretty pleasant when I have my earphones in and don’t have to listen to the complaining of my children or husband about whatever is going wrong at the moment. Actually, that makes just about everything more pleasant.

A Clean House – I pay for someone(s) to come and clean my house twice a month. I pack all the children that I watch up, either take them to school or to the bible study care person (Thanks, Doug) and have two hours with friends, spent without children (except Hayden, who sleeps through most of it). The best part of it (sorry, friends) is that twice a month, after I’ve gathered all the little darlings back into my car and drug them home, I walk into a sparkling, shining clean home – including (BONUS) a spotlessly clean bathroom. And I didn’t have to spend four hours and countless interruptions doing it myself. Granted the cleanliness only lasts until the youngest in my house comes home from school, but a few hours of pretending I live in a magazine home is better than nothing. And, I get the anticipation of having it happen all over again in another two weeks.

Good meals with Good friends – I like to eat, and I like to cook; cooking and eating also usually involves friends and wine. My children don’t seem to appreciate what I cook, so the satisfaction of preparing something for a friend (even if they don’t gush over how wonderful it is) makes me happy. I don’t have to put up with the sulking, pouty, frowning faces across the table from me because I didn’t make chicken nuggets or order pizza for dinner.

Unsolicited compliments – a completely spontaneous notification from someone-other-than-my-husband about something nice about me will pretty much ensure a smile and a warm-fuzzy feeling. I love my husband, but I always feel his compliments have an underlying ulterior motive and am suspect of their validity. It’s kind of like being complimented by your mother. They don’t have to say nice things to you, but you kind of don’t believe them when they do because, well, they kind of have to.

Politically Incorrect Comedians – I have an odd sense of humor. And, sometimes it’s pretty blue (as in raunchy – not depressed). I find some types of un-PC humor extremely funny. And, some of it I find offensive. I think people (including me) need to laugh at themselves more often. We would be better equipped to handle the drama in our lives if we could learn to just see how stinkin’ funny some things really are. I’m way too literal (high-strung?) to do this myself; I need someone who’s paid obscene amounts of money to point out the obvious hilarity of certain situations.

I’m sure there are more things that make me happy; but I can’t think of them right now. I’m too busy being peeved at whatever it is that’s ticking me off today.

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