Saturday, November 20, 2010

Let’s Make a Deal

Step right up folks! You too can play God!

Couple Let's you Vote on whether they get an abortion

(I have attempted to go to the website but have not been able to access it. I have found this story on numerous news sites; I don’t believe it is a hoax)

The value of a human life has now become so cheapened that people are actually letting others decide on their reproduction plans. I can’t tell you (although I’m sure you can surmise) how much even the thought of this sickens me.

The couple above (in case you don’t want to read the article) have become pregnant, and unfortunately miscarried three times. They have chosen to become pregnant a fourth time. Instead of allowing the pregnancy to be a private matter, full of the anticipation, and possibly sadness of the outcome; they have chosen instead to allow outsiders to determine the fate of their child.

The child in this case is not referred to as a fetus or embryo; it is “an unborn baby boy”. They have posted ultrasounds, videos and health updates on their website. At this writing the pregnancy is in its 17th week; the baby has begun forming pads on fingertips and toes; this is the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Cartilage is beginning to harden into bone, the baby is about 5 ounces and 5 inches long. He can hear the heartbeat of his mother. His urinary tract, brain, muscles nervous and circulatory systems are functioning.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, 38 states prohibit abortions, generally except when necessary to protect the woman’s life or health, after a specified point in pregnancy, most often fetal viability. Fetal Viability varies, but is usually accepted at 24 weeks.

So although this couple is calling their boy a baby, he is not a viable pregnancy in terms of medical definitions. Does that make it acceptable for them to leave his life – or death – at the hands of strangers based on the click of a mouse? Have we become such slaves to the reality show mentality that the life of another is only based on a lottery of votes?

Many people say a child is not a child until they are born. Anything inside the mother’s uterus is her choice to end or continue. Without attempting to judge (which many of you will say I am), how can something that is growing, breathing, moving and consuming energy not be alive? We as a “human” race spend so much time trying to save whales and trees and owls and other endangered species, yet look so derisively upon a collection of cells that will, through the miracle of pregnancy, become a human being.

So let’s consider the possible outcomes of this scenario (provided someone with legal prowess doesn’t derail the freedom of choice of this couple).

Outcome 1: The Arnolds decide to abort the baby (aka ‘terminate the pregnancy’).

Abortion is legal in many states (probably theirs). Many states don’t outline that the mother’s health or the health of the baby must be factors for abortion. Abortion is their choice.  My question here is why did they get pregnant in the first place? If abortion were legally considered murder, are the voters that chose abortion co-conspirators? Should they be held to the same legal standards as criminals who conspire or take part in the murder of another human?
Outcome 2: The Arnolds have a miscarriage.

They will have a public ready and willing to support them in their time of sadness. The publicity and endorsement of all kinds of products could be at their doorstep.

Outcome 3: The Arnolds carry the baby full-term and deliver a healthy baby boy.

This is not necessarily the happiest of outcomes. Given our penchant for publicity and making a buck at others expense, imagine this boy in school just a few years later. Some know-it-all kid or parent will spout off the true details of his birth. It’s on the internet. He or any number of other people could look it up at will for the rest of forever. (Don’t think it will happen? Ask me how many times in my childhood I was told that because I was adopted my parents didn’t want me; that I was dumped or given away. That’s not the truth, but it hurt nonetheless as a child.)

Abortion is not a crime (unfortunately in my opinion). Publically declaring your pregnancy is not a crime. Becoming a reality-show wanna-be is not a crime. But allowing others to determine your child’s future should be.

1 comment:

Darcy said...

This is sooooo wrong. Why did they get pregnant and then start thinking abortion? I don't know the full story. If there is a medical reason for it, it should be the decision of the parents with advice from their doctors.