Friday, April 4, 2014

Yellow vs. Gold-fish

You might be a parent or a child-caretaker if:

  • You are either wiping one end or the other of a small-ish person all day long.  
  • You can walk in a room and tell that someone has pooped vs. farted.
  • There are Dora or Elmo underwear, pants, and socks on various surfaces of your house.
  • You do at least one load of laundry per day because of “accidents”.
  • Goldfish and pretzels are gourmet snacks.
  • Friday’s are “Pancake” day.
  • The days of the weeks are called out by their activity.
  • All the kids can count to three because that’s all the choices you give them.
  • There is regular and sometimes violent fighting over a car-seat or booster seat.
  • You can sing the theme song from most (if not all) of the children’s programming on several different stations.
  • There is usually at least one person crying; sometimes it’s you.
  • You are required to know the difference between a bucket loader and a back-hoe front-loader.
  • You know where all the construction sites are in town and re-arrange your errand/driving pattern so the kids can see them.
  • You can explain the difference to a two-year-old between a “transit” and “school” bus.
  • You wave to school bus drivers because you’ve met them in the bus pull-through even though your kids don’t ride the bus.
  • You get emails from all the local elementary schools with lunch schedules and newsletters.
  • You dance in the kitchen, but not because there’s any music.  You’re actually dodging the dog and several children playing underfoot.
  • A field trip is going to the library, drug store or grocery store and it takes 30 minutes to get two items.
  • You regularly use bribes and extortion to get what you want.
  • You need the nap times more than the kids because you just want to think for an hour without hearing Dora in your head.
  • You drive around town with a talking potty in your car.
  • You can repeat the dialogue from most Disney movies verbatim, but you’ve not really ever ‘watched’ them more than once or twice.
  • You purge the toys to get rid of the old, unused, boring or out-dated items and then go to Value Village to buy more toys.
  • You know that the yellow goldfish actually do taste different than the gold ones.

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