Monday, October 13, 2014

Blog Tour (or "Being a Good Sport")

I was “invited” to take part in a blog tour by my friend, Scarlet.  I’m doing this to be a good sport because she tagged me, but really I find this kind of thing annoying and well, revealing.

Annoying because I hate these “tag” things.  I do them (as I said above) because I’m a good sport.  Revealing because I don’t really read other “people” blogs; mostly political opinion blogs.  So, I’ll answer the questions and tag the two people whose blogs I read, but I can’t guarantee they’ll follow suit or that they’ll even respond.

1)  What am I working on?

I have four Facebook pages, three blogs, two businesses and one website.  There are a variety of thoughts that haven’t made it out of my head and onto paper or computer yet and a book that lives in my head until I have time or the right words to get it down on my computer.  I also have poetry that floats around in there and a calendar that keeps track of the husband, teenager and various organizations I’m part of.  It’s crowded in my head.  

2)  How does my work differ from others in its genre?

I have no idea.  My main blog is mostly whatever is in my head at the moment that I have time to get down.  Sometimes it’s local politics, sometimes mom stuff, sometimes a rant and sometimes just annoying photos from the few vacations we take.  Blog #2 is Family history and genealogy related.  My book is a contemporary romance.  

3)  Why do I write what I do?

My main blog started because someone jokingly suggested that I write one.  And it kind of took.  I don’t have a huge readership – sometimes that bothers me and sometimes that comforts me.  I have written everything from book and movie reviews to local political commentary to opinion to rants.  There are things I won’t write about because my intent isn’t to hurt anyone.  My intent is to make people think and generate their own opinions.  I really don’t care if you agree with me or even understand me.  But I have to get things out of my head or I’m even more mental than I normally am.

That being said, some things just don’t have words.  Or the words that are there are just going to be too painful (hurtful, angry, mean, hateful) for anyone to read and get past without hating me.  You don’t have to like me but I don’t want anyone to hate me.

4)  How does my writing process work?

It depends.  That was really helpful, I know.  The book in my head has been there for several years and I’ve written and re-written and re-re-re-written about a gazillion times.  I know the characters and then ‘they’ do something that messes up the storyline earlier so I have to re-work it and then, well I get frustrated.  So I have all these documents on my computer with just scenes or several chapters but they haven’t gotten together to actually form a credible story at this time.  

I also have McDonald’s napkins and scratch pieces of paper and sentences on sticky notes floating around in a file.  

My poetry is either in a notebook, mostly typewritten or on the computer. I usually write it down as soon as it comes to me unless I’m in the shower or driving.  Most of my ideas come to me while driving or in the shower.  The trick is to remember them long enough to get somewhere where I can write them down.  I hate the sound of my voice so the recorder app on my phone is just there.  Doing nothing.

My blog is what I work on more steadily.  Sometimes I start something that’s floating in my head and work on it for weeks before I post it.  Sometimes I just sit down and three pages later I’m done.  Sometimes I write it down, finish it and don’t post it because it didn’t go where I thought it would.

Now I’m supposed to tag bloggers who might want to take the challenge.  So, I’m tagging the two women who make me laugh and think and cry.  

Ironic Mom has made me laugh and snort and appreciate the fact that I don’t have twins.  I pre-ordered her first book and read it in two days.  I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants and certainly made people in public think I needed to be institutionalized.  (Not that they didn’t think that before, but hysterical laughing and crying usually makes people start dialing for the men in the white coats and the I-love-myself-jacket sooner rather than later.)

Suburban Snapshots is one of the bloggers that I read no matter what she writes.  I’ve purchased two books that she’s had shorts in and laughed so hard I hurt.  Sometimes she swears more than I’d like, but she’s never wrong in what she writes about.  And I hate that she looks cute in boots.  

Apparently you have one week to post your answers to the questions above and tag other bloggers to do the same.  I don’t think you’ll win millions or be blessed if you do and I’m sure you won’t be cursed if you don’t, but sometimes playing the game is fun.

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